[Oldfield 2007 呢次 camp 算係大規模,前無古人後無來者, 又燒雞,又整包包, 因為呢次好早入, 所以勁多野玩,一點都唔頹!]
[Oldfield 2020 backup found and restored]
Date: Lunar New Year (28-29 January 1998)
Destination: Cheung Sheung, Sai Kung
Aim: Wild camping and do something meaningful with "declining tendency"
Crews: Leader Mou, Chi-kwong, Frankie Lee, Moon-wah and Oldfield
Programs: Cooking and of course eating, singing, sleeping and Bible reading
Food: Two chickens, three fishes, self-made bread, 通心粉, 年糕, 12 complete eggs, onions, mixed vegetables, and various snacks
Just arrived and we have the cooking place set up properly already. Note that the amount of wood that we have collected is always proportional to the time before we're forced to sleep. The temperature is extremely low for us (estimated to be around 6 degree Celcius) after sunset, and the fire is critical. This time, we try to use wood instead of gasoline for cooking and therefore, the supply of fuel is solely based on wood. Notice that the large piece of log has been used as a chair finally. One thing should be noticed is that large deterioating woods are always home of ants and we've killed two clans of ants in the process of converting chemical energy in wood fibres into heat. The stones for building up the cooking place are collected from a small stream, running extremely cold water. We drink from that stream as well because the old man in the store has gone to mainland China during Chinese New Year. There seems to be not many woods there, but that's enough for cooking from 4:00p to 6:30p, and generating heat afterward until 10:00p.
The stuff inside the cooker is used to make breads. We've chopped a fresh bamboo and use it to make breads by placing it on top of the fire. We've conducted experiments to make different kind of breads, like with mixed vegatables or with onions, but all failed. The taste of bread made in this way can be imagined as the people from the silk road to make breads. We place the raw material on a piece of dirty stone of the cooking place, and then eat the inner part of the bread.
On the next morning, everybody are alright. We're preparing our breakfast, or brunch in a more professional term. One thing that must be remembered is that, the cooker finally got crashed and the "lunch meat" that appeared in the photograph was all fallen onto the ground (congratulations to the dogs) and two brave men have picked up some still-look-clean remains to eat. The Chinese New Year Cake (Nin-go) is nice anyway.
Here comes another part of our breakfast, it's onion eggs. Ahmou can always make nice food during our starvation.
We're going to leave, so it's time for group photographs. The silvery object at our back is a temporary toilet build by another group of people. Everytime people comes in, the will put a stone outside, meaning "OCCUPIED". (in red color)
There's a store on the far right side and ahmou's camp bag is large enough not to be blocked by him in the photograph.
Ahmou, Shu-yan, Chi-kwong
Ahmou, Chi-kwong, Oldfield. Why we cannot see Moon-wah in these photographs? It's because he's already left for another trip.
Photographs on the way back, the scenes are nice. That's Oldfield.
Shu-yan, Chi-kwong, Ahmou
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